Wednesday, September 12, 2012

LEARN & REFLECT :: What does 9/11 mean to you?

Write a brief reflection on what does 9/11 mean to you?


  1. For me the 9/11 mean sadness, pain,suffering, Was a Big disaster in the united states, because i ser the number of people who die in those building, including children. His fact was a heartless act

    By kevin alvarez

  2. The 9/11 day means to me a really sad day,that to many peoples died.When this happened I was in cuba,but I hear some that united states was attack for terorists and this scary me because I think that a war going to star. Ayandi Iglesias P-1

  3. The mean of the 9/11 for my is the attack of the twin towers 9/11 is the day of the world changed forever I feel disgusted of osama bilader was so warped and evil to do what they did many people deat because of osama bilade and meny people that are weak.

  4. The 9/11 was the most bad things the united states can happen because in the 911 the twin towers of the united stated was destroyed, the was the most sad things, because people dead in the most bad thing of the united stated can has, and when the twin towers was destroyed the united state declared war. Fidel Prado period.1

  5. Rigoberto p1
    September 11 was the day of the World Trade Center's attack in New York , it was a shocking fact to the people of the United States, I think it was a worthless fact where to many people died with no reason and every September 11 the people make honor to the victims of that inhuman fact.

  6. For me ,it was day of pain suffering and terror, not only for me but for many families.This day 9/11 maen daed,war and many evil for children, woman,young ,gray beard and man.

    Donna Cruz Ayala Periodo 1

  7. For my 9/11 was day important because was day of sufrimient for many family and for world this war many dead and
    evil for chidren, woman,young
    Dayani ulloa period 1

  8. 911 to mean that if i ever emergencia frame it or of there is any theft or murder reported it tu find thore who did so the 911 is so importan in the cominity

  9. 9/11Mean to me that is a very sad day because in that day hundreds people died for terrorist act. I say that day when the plane crach the beulding you can fell the pain of that's people and you see some people who were throw very high floor. Also you see the collapsing beulding. And you see on TV familyof that people stay in the twin towers. Yoan Alonso P:1

  10. For me the 9/11 mean sadness, killing , and sufering because the number of people who did in those day

  11. September 11th of 2001 was for me a normal day in the school; but everything changed that night. In the nigh was showed. A special program about the terrorist attack made it by people who hate th e United State of America. The were a lot of people dying, screaming scared, when I saw the people falling from the building I started to felt afraid .

  12. For me the 9/11 it was a very disastrous and painful day for the US history and to the families of the victims of that major terrorist attak Bryan Samper p:3

  13. For me 9/11 was a big blow to the United States because many people died innocents

    Alejandro Casas P:3

  14. The september 11 day means to me really sad day, because was a big disaster in the Unated States. This was a really bad day for all the people who live in the country. That day many people died.

    Nieves Rodriguez Per-3

  15. For me 9/11 was day important bicouse the many people los their family and United State sufer great terrorist act that why it is,tragic date

  16. For me,9/11 was a huge blaw to the U.S... and q affected the country in the economic and social...that day was marked for the rest of life.

  17. 9/11 was a sad day thousands of people died,the attack the twin towers was awful for the deaths and the explosion of the towers
    Suselys Quintana P:3

    Arlette Caicedo P:7

  19. September 11 was a very sad day for all the people losing their families in the twin towers in the U. S.

    Grecia Chavez
    period: 5

  20. For me the 9 /11 mean something disastrous .Because too many people died in the twins towers .I think this was a time of catastrophe for all in total.

    GLADYS TABIO Period :6

  21. Lisandra Tabio Period 2
    I think that 9/11 was horrible day because in the attack to the twins towers many people died. Others peoples died trying to save others. I feel really sorry for the people that lost their family in this attack. I always will remember this day, because this day all people saw the good effort done by the fireman and our police.

  22. Dany Silva P#5
    for me the attack on the twin towers was very bad, it was very sad because many people died and it was very bad for the United States and the world economy was very sad.

  23. I think that's a good idea because the innocent animals doesn't have to be kill anymore and the cruelty can stop.

    Who really benefits from this technology are animals because they don't have to suffer anymore and this can do a big difference in the world.

    Its a good idea to use that because it cares for the live of animals.

  24. I think that the terrorist attack is a very sad day because many personas.estas people died isieron this did not have to mourn their relatives

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I think 9/11 was one of the most terrorist acts committed in our history, many people died because of this act, innocent people,this is a day that we will honor these people, and no one forget the loss of their lives p # 5

  27. The 9/11 was the day of the attack at twin towers in New York , it was a shocking fact to the people of the United States, because many people died with no reason for this every September 11 the people make honor to the victims dead for this attack.

  28. Liliana M Diaz P#3.
    This date 9/11 was very sad for me because many innocent people died. And today there are many sick.

  29. The 9-11-2001 was the most bad thing in USA.the attack on the towers caused many injuries ,the death of many innocent people ,and the sadness of the families of the victims because a day like this after so long,remember that terrible loss used by many people

  30. September 11 is a day of great sadness for this attack as many lives were lost and heroes of the United States. This day will be unforgettable for all.

  31. I think the 911 is much needed for our community, they succor us in times of emergency that determine life. so I think the 911 is an achievement of the health cervicios.

  32. 9/11 is very important to me cuz was the twin towers failled, many ppl died n was victim of this terrific crime. Many families losed their wifes, their husband, their childrens n their parents, friends n brothers. Only ppl without heart could do this catastrofic action. Thats change the US history n the world. I wont forget it never.
